Caution, health and good hunting!
This month, our mountains will whisper music to the rhythm of snails and barks. In most of the autonomous communities, the general hunting season begins, and with it, the hunts.At Cinegética-SCI we want to remind you of the importance of caution and good practice during hunting trips. Every precaution is little, so we leave you with some basic advice so that the hunting trips end peacefully and without scares or misfortunes. We must be aware that we are not alone in the countryside and safety is essential.
At the post we will be alert, staying alert as long as possible and avoiding making noises that could give away our presence.
If you hear the animal coming, you will be prepared when it jumps into the clearing, making it very difficult for it to beat you to the punch. Hearing is always essential in hunting and success in shooting depends largely on it.
Precipitation is not good, most of the time having a negative result and making us lose what is surely the only chance of the entire hunt, since only on rare occasions will we have the opportunity to shoot several times in the same position.
Once we have the animal in the scope, we must always keep in mind that there are many people in the mountains, other hunters, dog handlers, guides, mule drivers, etc., so before pulling the trigger we must be completely sure that there is no danger.

We should never shoot at the edge, because we must take into account that we do not know what is behind it, and this could cause a very serious accident. That is why we should always shoot by burying the bullet, that is, if we miss, it will end up in a place where it does not pose a danger, knowing at all times where that place is.
Another basic safety rule is to never shoot towards the bush that is being cleared and not to shoot at the sound or movement of vegetation, as it could be a dog or, even worse, a dog handler or another person who for whatever reason is in the bush.
We must always be completely sure that we are shooting at a deer and until we see it and fully identify it we should not pull the trigger.
For now, we can only wait and enjoy our mountains, soaking up their scents and colours, beating them, and respecting them. And of course, hunting them. Of course, with great caution.
Cheers and good hunting!