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Tony Sánchez Ariño honorary president of Cinegética 2023

On March 23, at 3:00 p.m., Hall 14 of IFEMA, in Madrid, will open its doors to celebrate the 10th edition of Cinegética 2023.

It's our anniversary! The most important fair for hunting and countryside, the most important at national level and one of the first at international level, is celebrating its tenth anniversary.

On the 23rd, 24th, 25th and 26th of March, lovers of the countryside and hunting will be able to enjoy their favourite hobbies and all the new features that, for yet another edition, Cinegética will offer its visitors and friends.

Following the first step already established in last year's edition, in this new edition Cinegética has chosen for the honorary presidency of the fair a reference and an example in the history of hunting: Tony Sánchez Ariño .

His career as a hunter, especially at an international level, places him in the select group of the greatest hunters of all time, both for the number of his hunts and the species he has shot, as well as for his defence of hunting at all levels, his social work and, of course, for his hunting publications. It will undoubtedly be an event to have his presence at Cinegética 2023.

The countryside and hunting will be at IFEMA, with a life of their own, for the enjoyment of all our visitors and friends, during the next few days from March 23 to 26 , 2023. The Cinegética 2023 team is already working at full capacity to exceed all expectations as in each of the previous editions.

 Hunting… Much more than a fair!