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Yesterday, Mr. Laird Hamberlin, CEO of Safari Club International, Mr. Marcos Quintas, representative of Cega Mutimedia, Mr. Iñigo Moreno, Marquis of Laserna, representing Venatoria, and Mr. Rodrigo Moreno, Duke of Cardona, director of Cinegética, signed the final agreement to form the largest transatlantic alliance of hunting fairs to date, to promote the hunters' way of life and to defend conservation and hunting culture under a single motto "United for conservation".

The agreement, ratified yesterday, July 23, 2024, represents a very important step, since it means the entry of the SCI as a direct partner of Cinegética. Thus, the SCI and Cinegética have joined forces to create the most important hunting and conservation fair in Europe and, in turn, in the world. The 2025 edition of Cinegética will take place at Ifema (Madrid), from March 20 to 23, 2025.

More than five years ago, talks began with the SCI and the Cinegética team to make this union a reality with the aim of joining forces to promote conservation and hunting culture, and to promote and boost the countless advantages that hunting activity generates. The benefits that hunting activity and culture have on the conservation of habitats are experiencing a rapid decline at a social level, which entails serious consequences for the management and maintenance of ecosystems and the habitat of countless species in the short, medium, and long term.

W. Laird Hamberlin, CEO of Safari Club International, who travelled to Madrid especially to sign the agreement, said: “The SCI hopes to strengthen the incredible success of this fair by increasing the number of exhibitors and by contributing to those who are already present. We also hope that we can use the members of the SCI staff to increase the success of the great hunting fair. This type of transatlantic agreement can only benefit hunting, hunters, environmental protection, conservation and the defence of the right to hunt.”

Dr. Miguel Estadé, President of the European Committee of the SCI, added that "it is a great step forward for hunting and hunters. We are the ones who are really on the front line for the conservation of species, in this globalised world it is essential to join forces to defend our rights and promote the benefits that this brings to the environment both in Spain and in Europe. We want to continue being leaders in the sector and this is one more step."

Mr. Marcos Quintas, President of Cinegética, stated that “Cinegética and the Safari Club International are proud to have signed this agreement. It is an honour to work together with the SCI, the largest hunting organisation on the planet, in defending what hunters believe in and promote, as well as in developing environmental conservation projects worldwide. This agreement will also serve to increase awareness of the importance of hunting in modern, globalised societies.”

Mr. José María Losa, president of SCI Iberian, added that “he believes that the collaboration of both organizations predicts a better future for hunting in Europe and certainly a benefit for Spain, as it expects a greater influx of foreign visitors.”
The Safari Club International is a world leader in protecting hunting freedom and promoting wildlife. It is the organization with the greatest capacity to defend its freedom. It is organized into 146 chapters and is affiliated with networks representing millions of hunters around the world. It has more than 50,000 members, is represented in 140 countries, and defends all wild species. Its motto is "First for Hunters."

Cinegética, founded in 2013, is the most important hunting fair in Spain and one of the leading international fairs, with more than 350 exhibitors, more than 10,000 m2 of exhibition area, and more than 38,000 visitors per year, which grows with each edition. It is a meeting point for national and international hunters, a place to connect and share the latest developments in the sector, and to freely express all opinions and demand hunters' rights.